Private Draft Mode

Private Draft Mode is a session-based draft version of Dashboards and Widgets that are private to a user.

Enabling Private Draft Mode

Permissions required to enable Private Draft Mode:

To enable the Private Draft Mode, toggle on the draft mode switch.

Once enabled, a banner indicating you're in Draft Mode will appear below the header.

You will also see a Draft Mode note on the left side of the Dashboard panel.

Note: The Publish All/Restore All and Publish/Restore buttons are different from each other. More information is in the next section.

Publishing and Restoring

There are two types of Publish and Restore buttons. These are enabled when there are edits to Dashboard(s) and Widget(s). The Publish All and Restore All are on the left side of the panel in the Dashboard listing. Publish All will publish all Dashboard and Widget changes in a session. Restore All will restore all Dashboard and Widget changes in a session.

The other Publish and Restore buttons are on the top of the Dashboard. The Publish button only publishes the changes on a Dashboard, and the Restore button restores the changes for a Dashboard.

Furthermore, if there are any Dashboard/Widget changes, Publish and Restore are enabled at that Dashboard/Widget level.


Dashboards and Widgets with changes are marked with an incognito symbol, and the Publish All/Restore All button can publish or restore these changes.

Before publishing all the changes, you can review which assets are impacted in the pop-up when you select the Publish All button. Click Confirm to publish the changes for all Dashboards/Widgets.

Dashboard and Widget Actions

Differentiating between Dashboard and Widget Actions is important. Below are the actions that count as editing a Dashboard or Widget that would enable the Publish and Restore buttons.


Private Draft Mode Options

The options for a Private Draft Mode differ from those of the other Dashboards.
